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CAIA – Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst Association

CAIA, the Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst Association. We are the global professional body dedicated to alternative investment credential programs.

Members | CAIA

Welcome CAIA Members! Log in for access to opportunities that will allow you …

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Please enter your email address below to see if your record exists in our system …

Fundamentals of Alternative Investments | CAIA Association

A self-paced, 20-hour, online certificate program, Fundamentals of Alternative …

Our Fundamentals of Alternative Investments course covers the basics in the dynamic world of alternative investments. Ideal for financial advisors, legal counsel, and others.

UniFi by CAIA™ | CAIA

Asset managers, financial planners, sales professionals, private wealth managers …

Online Exam Candidate Test Day – CAIA Association

Online Exam Candidate Test Day | CAIA

How to Begin Check-in for Your CAIA Exam. (Note: Please read below …

Online Exam Candidate Test Day

The CAIA Charter

The CAIA Charter | CAIA

Why invest in a CAIA designation? · Global Professional. Advance your career with …

Charter Candidates – CAIA Association

Charter Candidates | CAIA

75% of Candidates who earn their CAIA Charter do so in 12 to 18 months. Let us …

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